Which Makes Us Happier? Knowing the Truth or Believing Fiction is Truth

There are fewer atheists than there are Christians. It's amazing there are any atheists. Christianity, and some other religions, have sales pitches that run circle around atheists. We all know some religions sell themselves as outsmarting death. They tell us, ""Look, we have this death thing figured out. All you have to do is give yourself to religion and you don't have to die. We guarantee it." Atheism, however, tells you this is the only life you get. Our competition, religion, can't prove they deliver what they sell you. We can only offer truth. Most of the time, religion wins. The link makes some interesting (to me) observations on all of this. The author points out the pleasure from learning what one believes is true and verifiable. This makes out one life better because we are not wasting it going down rabbit holes of gods and fake news. Doubt, reflection and critical thinking should be part of every educated citizen's makeup. Christianity discour...