A Rich Guy Who Donated to Trump's Recount Wants His Money Back
Someone who gave $2 1/2 million to prove there was fraud in the election of Joe Biden now thinks he was taken for a ride and wants his money back. Dishonesty in the Trump scheme is being exposed.
Ever since the election Trump, Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell have said in interviews and speeches there was widespread fraud. In court they said there was not. As the USA link says about court appearances, "..the Trump campaign did not allege widespread fraud, despite public claims to the contrary."
Polls have shown 70% of Trump supporters believe to this day there was fraud. The Trump team implies it has a powerful case to make and will make it as soon as they are allowed into court. Do they have something powerful they have yet to reveal?
My assumption is anyone who gave $2 1/2 million would have access to whatever inside and powerful cases were yet to be made. When Fred Eshelman, who gave the $2 1/2 million, inquired as to the progress being made and what expectation was reasonable to anticipate he found replies from those running the effort were "vague and unresponsive." What evidence of fraud could they give him when they themselves had none?
Eshelman is estimated by some to be a billionaire. As one would expect, he required a statement of objectives and goals to be met by the Trump lawsuits in exchange for his donation. The Trump group promised in exchange for this large donation to bring evidence that had the potential to reach the Supreme Court. Someone in the Eshelman group now calls the Trump effort a "nightmare."
When Trump was preparing to run for President, he instructed his lawyer to give Stormy Daniels $120,000 in order to keep quiet about their sexual encounter. Trump tried the same thing with Eshelman. He was offered $1 million of his donation back if he did not sue. Being smarter than the Trump clowns he turned it down and sued.
We are starting to understand what the crooks in the Trump circle are doing. The videos circulating showing alleged "fraud" of voting site officials putting ballots into voting machines were taken off of publicly available videos. These videos were then doctored so viewers do not see observers from both political parties approving what was being done. Voting machines sometimes damage ballots. Damaged ballots were then redone and reentered by officials with the approval and observation of both parties so each voter's ballot was counted.
Justice would be done if all those hapless people who gave money to overturn the will of voters received their money back. Lots of it is in Rudy's pocket and the rest in undisclosed places.
Speaking of videos and doctoring, I see the "Office of President-Elect" has fallen and broken his foot. We won't have to endure this for even four years. It will be much sooner before we are given Kamel. She has much more vigor than sleepy Joe.
ReplyDeleteHenry Nov 29, 2020 at 6:11 PM “We won't have to endure this for even four years.
Delete“Doctors Concerned As Hairline Fracture In Biden’s Foot Spreads Through Entire Skeleton”