The Most Dishonest Use of the Bible
Every honest person knows the Bible is used as a hammer against many different kinds of people. When Bible believers decide they don't like some group they find something in the Bible and claim God joins them in disapproval. No doubt using unseen gods as weapons predated the Bible.
The most popular and intentional miss reading of the Bible is use of the mythical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. They are, as every reader knows, referred to in modern times as places where homosexuality was rampant. Jesus was quoted as referring to those cities as bad places and went on to say why they were bad. He did not mention homosexuality--they were inhospitable. Nowhere in Christianity is there a more ridiculous notion than that Sodom and Gomorrah were cities filled with homosexuals.
Males living with males and females living with females do not reproduce. I'm trying to figure out how two cities with nothing but homosexual people got so large. That's called over thinking.
The story of Sodom and Gomorrah shows why the Bible is so popular. Let's say you were someone who detested homosexuals and wanted them discriminated against by society in general. You are in luck. The Sodom and Gomorrah story tells of the townspeople wanting possession of angels "to know them."
Since the Bible was written in a foreign language and recopied hundreds of time and, further, was written more than two thousand years ago the door is open to use of a phrase used by clergy and laity alike, "What this means is...." No doubt thousands of times a year this phrase is used to justify saying citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah wanted homosexual sex with the angels.
It happens I an quite an authority on the phrase "to know them." What that phrase means is the townspeople of Sodom and Gomorrah wanted to talk football and beer with the angels. They wanted to discuss which quarterback was best and which beer went best with spicy taco chips. Sure, someone will claim they know better than I what the phrase "to know them" meant. I'll defend football.
I nominate Jon for the Academy Award for "Most Dishonest Use of the Bible".