Is the Far Right Interested in Reducing the Number of Abortions

Once in a while a rational discussion of abortion shows up. It asks why pro life and pro choice people cannot unite to reduce abortions?

This liberal writer points to other medical successes through prevention. Reduced smoking reduced cancer. Needle exchange programs reduced infections of drug users. So, why not better sex education, available contraception and other such help for women to reduce unwanted pregnancies?

I don't see any other explanation other than forcing women to give birth is a way of controlling women and punishing women for sex. If abortion was illegal every pregnant woman would be treated like paroled prisoners are now treated. They would need to be monitored by law enforcement. Women who have frequent miscarriages would be suspect.

Maybe I've missed it, but I've never heard or seen anti abortion operatives appear in state legislatures or in Washington advocating money of assistance in birth control or for women during pregnancy. Is this an issue of religion or simple control of women? We have never heard which.

Those who protest, harass and shout prayers in front of clinics like to think these bizarre practices reduce abortions. There is no evidence of this. The purpose obviously is to exercise control and condemnation. Telling others they sin and are going to hell provides great pleasure. It happens here on this blog.

I think right wing and anti abortion politics would do well for themselves if they would join liberal groups in an effort to eliminate unwanted pregnancies. Campaigns to increase access to birth control would help with this. Financial help for pregnant women might change a few "unwanted pregnancies" to "wanted." 

When the mindset of anti abortion politics is punishment instead of help not much is going to change.


  1. For those of us who actually care about women and their babies, there is good news. Another butcher has lost his medical license, Donald Clyde Willis. After having to hospitalize six women in a 9-month period of time in 2017, he was finally forced to give up his medical license, effective November 25, 2020. It is truly a day of thanksgiving!

    Thankfully, there were people outside the FPA "Women's Health" abortion center in Bakersfield taking photos each time the ambulance pulled up to take women away from him and to a hospital.


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