The Term "Pro Life" has Lost its Cache
The anti-abortion term "pro life" was started in the 1970's and was an instant success. It seemed so positive. During the 1970's the Southern Baptist Convention voted three times to reaffirm a woman's right to abortion. But, the marketing of anti abortion centered on "pro life" was so skillfully manipulated even the largest Protestant denomination had to change its position to anti abortion.
But right from the start, there was a crack in the logic of "pro life." Would not being in favor of "life" mean all life and not just that of a fetus? Retired Congressman Barney Frank put a knife in the balloon when he said, paraphrasing, "Pro life is about protecting life, but only from the time of conception to birth." As the link point out, Frank's pithy observation is only now becoming a perfect fit for the term, "pro life." The broad support among Catholics for Joe Biden in the recent election is case in point.
The Coronavirus is another problem for "pro life." When conservative politicians demand schools and businesses remain open, knowing this will spread the disease, they justify it by saying things must remain open for the sake of the economy. I know there is an argument that when the economy goes into the tank it causes some loss of life, but the bigger numbers are from spreading the virus. Being "pro life" would mean shutting down parts of the economy that spreads disease and kills people. It should not be that hard to understand.
Socialized medicine, also called Obamacare, is "pro life." Yet I'm sure the majority of those opposed to Obama Care called themselves "pro life." Pregnant women without medical insurance who can see a doctor without paying for it themselves would no doubt save lives of women, fetuses and babies. Pro life politics is a grim business.
Understanding the hypocrisy of the term "pro life" took a while. But, today we can see its glamor is fading. To be for life is to be for life in its many places and forms.
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