The Republican Jesus Will Live On


A new book, The Republican Jesus: How the Right Has Rewritten the Gospel, plots the carefully planned takeover of Jesus by the religious right. Even though Jesus was not quoted as saying no to gay rights, gender fluidity, public health care, immigration, Democratic Party Mayors or racially integrated suburban neighborhoods you would never know this from attending politically rallies, conservative churches or reading their material. Even though Jesus was not quoted as saying anything about these issues, the Republican Jesus has these views and is a better Jesus than the liberal one or ones.

The reason Republican Jesus will survive and thrive is because of money. The progressive Jesus that was supposed to a have preached on behalf of the poor, the lame and the rejected, does not help the bank accounts of those who advocate it. A Jesus that favors smaller government and lower taxes, well, that is one that will survive election after Trump's defeat. The donor base is there.

The Republican Jesus can be found in both Catholic and Protestant branches. It can be found among those who claim to be believers but never attend church.

The book plots origins of the Republican Jesus going back to philosopher John Locke. But, the big move to incorporate anti regulation and lower taxes came during the great depression. Roosevelt was popular as were laws to strengthen labor unions, business regulations and increase taxes on the wealthy. Business dug deep into its bag of tricks and found that aliening conservative economic policies with the Bible was the best idea it had come up with. They have been doing it to this day. The childhood church of President Trump was the prosperity gospel. It is today one of the fastest growing sections of the faith.

After the depression came Dwight Eisenhower and "In God we Trust" on our money. There was the crusade to put the Ten Commandments on public property everywhere by Cecil B. DeMille who had just released a movie by that name. It is no surprise business and the Gospel shacked up together. 

Willie Sutton, the professional bank robber, was once asked why he always robbed banks. He answer was, "Because that's where the money is."

The next politician who worships the Republican Jesus is out there and we'll soon know who he/she is.


  1. Jesus is neither Republican or Democrat. But the Democrats are certainly not eager to join Jesus at anything. Most Republicans are actively trying.

  2. While nothing I care about, the bible cruses two things: The person that leads children from god. AND those who change the word of god.


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