We Live in the Same Country as Christian Nationalists

When Trump is finally gone, there will remain a substantial set of voters who believe, and have no doubt whatsoever, there is another Presidential candidate out there who will govern from a direct pipeline to God. They believe that about Trump. They believe our country was destined to be governed under principles of Christian nationalism. While other false religions can exist within the U.S., our founders intended Christian nationalism to dominate in government. 

Polls show this group to be around 1/4 of all voters. Thus, when the political stars are aliened in a certain way, the right personality on the Christian nationalism side and the wrong personality on the other, we have seen and may see again sometime a Donald Trump type Presidency. 

This is frightening to a set to those of us the Christian nationalists dislike. Those disliked will lose rights they are supposed to have. Yet, those who are determined to destroy rights of women and minorities live in the same country as those of us who want these rights preserved. 

Today Preacher Franklin Graham said he laments that we cannot all get along better. This was after the Freedom From Religion Foundation threatened a school where Graham's group was advertising their religious views while gathering material to be sent to some other areas. Graham could have collected gifts from children without advertising his religion. But, of course, he would not do that. The school quickly bid Graham's group goodbye. We could all "get along better" if he would stop selling his religion to children whose parents may be of some other religion. But, as a Christian nationalist he has no other goal except to push his religion on everyone and anyone, public schools included.

Christian nationalists like Trump because of his Presidential style. That style is to get his way without regard for whomever disagrees. This fits perfectly anti abortion groupies who want to rid the nation of abortion regardless of what rights pregnant women will lose. Persuading women not to get abortions is ok, but better are orders from law enforcement abortions are against the law. 

That those of us who want equal rights for women will continue to live in the same country as the 25% who want to take away women's rights indicates there will be some rough years ahead.


  1. there you go again. you seem to think that if the country were ruled by atheistic Marxists (or any other "secularist" groups that meet with your approval) we could all get along. kinda like Stalinist Russia? really old chap, I must marvel at your inability to overlook the totalitarian aspects of your never ending (and tiresome) pronouncements.

  2. Jon, They believe, “While other false religions can exist within the U.S., our founders intended Christian nationalism to dominate in government.”

    To put a finer point on “dominate”:
    “Christians have an obligation, a mandate, a commission, a holy responsibility to reclaim the land for Jesus Christ — to have dominion in civil structures, just as in every other aspect of life and godliness. But it is dominion we are after. Not just a voice. It is dominion we are after. Not just influence. It is dominion we are after. Not just equal time. It is dominion we are after. World conquest. That’s what Christ has commissioned us to accomplish.” (1)

    Reclaim? They say the founding fathers intended America to be governed “under” the principles of Christian nationalism. If this proposed intention was acted on by our Forefathers and these principles of Christian nationalism were indelibly expressed in the Constitution and the other documents they provided, given the current state of affairs some 230 years later, either the principles are misguided or there is no intention to reclaim.

    Furthermore: “By transforming our Forefathers into faithful servants of Christ the Religious Right risks compromising the biblical message. While Believers must exercise their views, cheapening what constitutes Christianity for political gain profanes the Gospel.“(2)

    Big money, a well oiled, finely tuned propaganda machine, and overstated Christian tribalism; a formula for tyranny by a minority and Trump and his disciples have stacked the deck. This is high-stakes stuff.

    (1) George Grant, “The Changing of the Guard” from https://www.huffpost.com/entry/what-is-christian-nationa_b_20989

    (2) https://www.forbes.com/sites/billflax/2012/09/25/was-america-founded-as-a-christian-nation/?sh=1fe3df804e7b

  3. Ardy B Good post. So often Christian nationalists say here on this blog and one reads it elsewhere, "Liberals want to remove Christianity from the public square." Why is it supposed to be "in the public square?" Who said it could there? It can be everywhere else, just not there.

    Now that the Republican Party has moved into the sphere of nationalistic religion the need to push it to the edge of influence is more important than ever.

  4. and you crypto Bolshevik clowns have the temerity to accuse others of conjuring up conspiracy theories. those nasty Christian nationalists (whatever they are and whoever they are) are plotting to take over the country.. wow! and they have no place in the public square. who gave you the right to say who and who is not allowed to participate in US public life. shades of Lenin and Stalin?

    1. Unknown--My understanding is the "public square" refers to government. The founding fathers wanted religion and government to be separate. That's why religion does not belong in government.


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