Because of Anti Abortion Myths, Some Safe Medical Abortions are Prohibited

Taking two pills that cause an abortion is safe, effective and inexpensive. There is no medical or common sense reason these medications are not available everywhere to every woman. The religious myth that one fertilized cell is a human being keeps laws in place that would benefit women and their families. Rachel Maddow had a long program last night discussing plans abortion clinics are making for potential reversals by the Supreme Court about abortion. Providing free transportation for longer distances will inevitably be part of the solution. Every state with political climate against abortion has a neighboring state where abortions are available. Women with adequate money will have no difficulty traveling and receiving services. Poor women will need some kind of assistance and the knowledge of how to connect to whatever assistance is available. Maddow's story was about Wichita, KS, where the late Dr. George Tiller had a busy abortion practice. Tiller was murdered while atte...