Anti Abortion Zealots and the Spread of Syphilis
In Iowa the Republican legislature and Governor are very self righteous about not funding Planned Parenthood clinics. Some of the smaller clinics in rural areas have closed. The number of abortions continues to track the national average so it does not appear closing these Planned Parenthood clinics has had any effect on abortions procedures performed.
Nationally, there has been an increase sexually transmitted diseases. One of the terrible diseases is syphilis. It not only affects the woman's health but the baby if the woman is pregnant. If caught early it can be treated successfully. It is caught early by regular visits to clinics.
Statistics in the state now show this pattern: Wherever a Planned Parenthood clinic has closed the number of syphilis problem cases increased. Whenever a baby is born to a mother with syphilis this lack of care endangers a child.
Even though it is believed abortion has been practiced by early in prehistory human beings and presumably without moral judgment, some Christians have been attracted to it like bears to honey. They can't get enough of judgmental hostility toward the women who purchase the services nor the medical professionals who provide it. That there are deaths prevented by abortions is not allowed to be discussed. Discussing the practice of prosecuting women who obtain abortions is avoided whenever possible as well.
The largest newspaper in Iowa took the Republican Governor and legislators to task for their blind support of all anti abortion legislation and lack of interest in the growing syphilis problem. Their attitude seems to be there is no problem except abortion. Opposing abortion solves all problems and causes none.
This is simply wrong.
I recently read an article about the growth of STD's among the retired, and at retirement villages. Can't get knocked up? No need for safe sex.----Right? The Clapp sisters. syphelius and Granellia.
ReplyDeleteJon; I often thought Planned Parenthood needed a rebranding to emphasize the wide range of services offered to women. Of course the myopic focus of the anti-abortion zealots made that a moot point. It may be an immoral twisted strategy of theirs to enable the spread of STD’s so people have less sex. Less sex, less abortions. Add to that Catholicism’s ill-conceived prohibition of contraception except for the rhythm method, now rebranded FAM for Fertility Awareness Method which recommends tracking a 0.4 degree increase in basil body temperature over a three day period. Add to that the Abstinence Movement’s denial of human instinct which may lead to exposure to STD’s by alternative sexual practices. Add to that this this craziness . What a sad, sad take on Christian morality. Jesus is dead and they have killed Him.
ReplyDeleteArdy B "It may be an immoral twisted strategy of their to..spread STD's so people have less sex."
DeleteThe anti abortion political operation has an immoral twisted strategy in so many ways. They even toss is tricks that might alter the effectiveness of Planned Parenthood's name or name change. When the abortion clinic first opened in Fargo opponents started advertising "abortions" under a business name almost identical to then name used by the clinic itself. Only a court ruling stopped their immoral and deceptive practices.
hope you dudes get your jollies by lying to one another. did you know that more f----ing means more STD's. Duh! do you also remember the lady who took charge of PP, tried to change it, more emphasis on women's health less on abortion. she got run out of town in a few months. PP likes it's abortions, does about 330, 000 a year. in Mn at least it's busy trying get a "corner" on the abortion market. old Jon the Economist should know about that.
ReplyDeleteunknown "hope you dudes get your jollies by lying to one another."
DeleteYou mentioned several topics in you post but avoided dealing with obvious fact that fewer abortions mean more deaths of adults and children. I know this is an inconvenient truth but it remains true nevertheless.
kill millions before birth to save a few hypothetical lives. that sounds like a helluva deal BTW; the famous economist Jos. Shrumpater (sp?) (he was a real economist) said that the first thing that one will do for one's ideals is lie for them (as if abortion is an "ideal"). along the way, maybe Jon and Arby believe that there were one million abortions per year in the US before Roe v.Wade. that turned out to be lie but it did make a good yarn. and did you know that "Roe" has since said that the whole lawsuit was based on a few lies. and you idiots have the effrontery to talk about immorality.
Deletethat sounds like a helluva deal
unknown "kill millions before birth to save a few hypothetical lives"
DeleteTypical anti abortion moral values, one fertilized egg is a "real human being." Lives that are lost by limiting abortions are only "hypothetical."
Helluva deal.
The Iowa government did not close those Planned Parenthood locations. Neither did the federal government. Planned Parenthood close them because there is no money in women's health, just abortion. So much for being pro-woman!
ReplyDeleteIt's really simple. Let's taking vaping as an example. Vaping deaths are up because various unforeseen factors. Do we have a Planned Parenthood-like entity advocating for "safe vaping"? No. We have government involved in curtailing vaping until the reasons for death are known. One can make a similar argument about opioids.
Let's attack STD deaths head on. Don't lie to people by telling them they can have "protected sex". Treat it like a public health hazard. Avoid sex before marriage. No pre-marital sex. No extra-marital sex. No, that's too logical. The lie is that people HAVE to have sexual intercourse whenever they want.
Matt "The Iowa government did not close those Planned Parenthood locations. Neither did the Federal Government."
ReplyDeleteThe state of Iowa, it right-to-life governor and majority Republican Legislature, turned down $3 million dollar of federal money ear marked for family planning. This money was to be used by low income women. This cause some smaller rural Family Planning clinics to close. When they closed problems from sexually transmitted diseases rose.
I know, I know, the approved approach to sexually transmitted diseases in the anti abortion circle is to let these sinful women die. That will teach women not to sin. That anti abortion zealots call themselves "right to life" does not mean women have the right to life, only fertilized cells have a right to life.
If a woman in Iowa dies from a sexually transmitted disease, that means she got the disease from an infected sexual partner. That's who killed her. She had a hand in the act by exposing herself to an infected person. It all could have been avoided.
DeletePerhaps outlawing sex prior to marriage and then outlawing extramarital sex would drive the rate of sexually-transmitted disease to zero. But one would have to actually want to have that as a goal. Planned Parenthood don't have that as a goal.
So, please, save your breathless arguments about these poor, penniless clinics.
Matt "If a woman dies..."
DeleteI'm glad you feel morally superior about all things. I am only reporting that when funds are cut off from Planned Parenthood clinics deaths of both women and their babies increases. Each abortion that is prevented by cutting off Planned Parenthood is not a net increase of one. There are deaths that result from anti abortion political maneuvers. That has always been true, it is true today and will be true tomorrow.
anti-abortion zealots. how about pro-abortion zealots? do you have a mirror? or are afraid of what you might see if you look into it?