Because of Anti Abortion Myths, Some Safe Medical Abortions are Prohibited

Taking two pills that cause an abortion is safe, effective and inexpensive. There is no medical or common sense reason these medications are not available everywhere to every woman. The religious myth that one fertilized cell is a human being keeps laws in place that would benefit women and their families.

Rachel Maddow had a long program last night discussing plans abortion clinics are making for potential reversals by the Supreme Court about abortion. Providing free transportation for longer distances will inevitably be part of the solution. Every state with political climate against abortion has a neighboring state where abortions are available. Women with adequate money will have no difficulty traveling and receiving services. Poor women will need some kind of assistance and the knowledge of how to connect to whatever assistance is available.

Maddow's story was about Wichita, KS, where the late Dr. George Tiller had a busy abortion practice. Tiller was murdered while attending church by an anti abortion activist who came up behind him and shot him in the head. The clinic has now reopened. Protesters carry signs warning doctors they might be the next to be killed.

Our society could be so much more productive if we did not have, first, an army of priests and preachers telling politicians and the public things that are not true. In this case that one fertilized egg is a human being. Second, another army of people has to spend time explaining to politicians and the public these notions are not true. If both these sides could spend their time doing something productive like teaching children to read and write so their chance of living in poverty was reduced we might make some progress.


  1. A reminder to those who comment, please do not switch names when commenting. Thanks.

  2. Replies
    1. Matt "Safe for the baby?"

      Yes, these meds are completely safe for babies. I know your religious beliefs leave you confused about use of the word "babies". Fetuses are not babies.

  3. One wonders how many markedly more dangerous, readily available, chemically induced erections lead to unwanted pregnancies. It seems fair that a much safer chemically induced option to terminate such a pregnancy should be over-the-counter at the local pharmacy. I hardly think much more restricted access to erectile dysfunction medications will see the light of day. A man has got to feel like a man right, take charge, and fix it. A woman has got to feel like a woman right, take charge, and fix it. No somersaults, jumping through hoops, or walking the beam.

    1. Ardy B The Catholic Church is really interested in sex and advocates "natural." Maybe Matt can inform us on his church's view of the unnatural drug for erectile dysfunction.

    2. Viagra is like any other pill/medicine that is used to alleviate or cure a natural deficiency (kinda like insulin). abortion in contrast is a matter of doing just the opposite. as usual your logic sucks.


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