Did Chick Fil A Bend to Pressure From LGBT Groups

The internet is ablaze with comments about the restaurant chain Chick Fil A who announced it would not longer be donating to some groups it has been famous for supporting in the past. One of these was the Salvation Army. There is a Chick Fil A located close to me so I've been following these events.

The Salvation Army was bitter about being dropped by Chick Fil A. It issued a statement saying the restaurant had been misinformed about the Army's policies toward LGBT people. According to the statement, the Army gives housing and assistance to a large number of poor gay and lesbian citizens.

So why would Chick Fil A drop a organization that does not discriminate in distribution of aid? The answer was revealed a couple of years ago.

The founder of Chick Fil A was very vocal from the beginning of the restaurant chain that gay marriage is a sin. He spoke often about his beliefs. Right wing people supported the chain, liberals did not.

I remember reading that executives in the Chick Fil A organization told the founder the chain could never be huge and successful like McDonald's if it was viewed as a religious organization. Eventually, the founder said he would no longer comment on gay/lesbian issues in deference to his employees.

That statement did not solve the problem. The chain continued to be known as a gay bashing company because it gave millions of dollars to gay bashing charities. The Salvation army is perceived to be one of these.

The Salvation Army gives aid to gay/lesbian clients. Until recently, it held to a policy of not hiring people known to be gay or lesbian. It is also a church which preached homosexuality is a sin. While it has since dropped homosexuality as a sin and says on its website it is an equal opportunity employer, it is still thought of a gay bashing. It is also known as exclusively Christian. Chick Fil A had to pull the plug.

I would guess the majority of Americans now see prejudice against gays as being similar or identical to racial prejudice. If the Salvation Army wants money from the general public it needs to bring it attitudes on social issues into line with how the majority now sees issues.

So long as it keeps the word "Salvation" in its brand it will forever be thought of as gay bashing.


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