Trump Administration Wants to Limit Birth Control

Birth control has been practiced for centuries. It is thought techniques first appeared when societies began cultivating crops and not hunting and gathering.

The Catholic Church, we all know, has considered birth control a major sin for a long time. This even though its members almost universally ignore the church's prohibition.

Almost from the day Trump entered office, his appointees began a full court press against birth control. Katy Talento, Trump's first health care adviser falsely claimed birth control caused "miscarriages of already conceived children" and that it ruined the female uterus for conception. Fortunately for us all, Talento was one of the many who left the Administration.

Nikki Haley, Trumps Ambassador to the U. N., said the Administration's position on birth control advocates the rhythm method. This advocacy is especially aimed at poor countries which provide little or not medical assistance to either the mother or her babies. The Administration has given money to abstinence only programs. It has falsely claimed artificial birth control methods do not work.

Underneath all of this are two broad themes. One is that women are the lesser gender and need to held back in their careers and influence. The other, complimentary to the first, is that one fertilized egg is a human being and women can be controlled because, left to their own judgment, will harm that microscopic "human being."

In Texas in May of this year, a bill was proposed which would potentially make women who received abortions subject to the death penalty. As the magazine "Sierra" noted, If we go down this road, it may not be long before all women of childbearing age are considered "prepregnant," their every action based on the hypothetical consequences for hypothetical children.

I've been saying this here for several years, when the fertilized egg becomes a human being the political freight train of anti abortion politics will have no brakes. There will be no limit to the regulation of women who are carrying the "human." What they eat, drink, do with their leisure time, work and play must all be under the supervision of government.

Anti abortion zealots can deny this, it is undeniable.


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