Another in the Parade of Conversion Therapy Leaders Comes Out Gay

I've heard this in lectures by former conversion therapy employees and read about it on line. Time after time, those who passionately embrace leaving same sex attractions behind by using the shame of religion find themselves helpless and admit publicly that they are gay. The link is about yet another.

I know there are many gay men and women married to the opposite sex and finding their way through life secretly aware their strongest sexual attraction is to their own gender. I have no particular objection to such people dealing in that way with  the card they have been dealt. What should be stopped is businesses that take lots of money from gay people without changing their sexual orientation. We have laws against false claims made by medical companies. We need the same against dishonest claims made by conversion therapy.

I had a preacher friend years ago from Philadelphia. When one of his sons came out as gay the father was determined to find the cause and cure. One of his stops was at a conversion therapy business.

He was suspicious of the positive answers given by the two married men who ran it. Finally he thought of the right question. "When you are at the beach with your wives and children, which do your eyes fall on, the young men or the young women?" Both of these men candidly admitted their eyes still admired young men more than women.

One can find testimonials from "graduates" of conversion therapy programs. And, there are plenty of those whose testimonies were once used who are now happily married to other men.

No matter that some claim the Bible frowns on same sex attraction, the facts are that it exists and is not a voluntary choice. Life would be better for everyone if these misguided Bible thumpers would face up to these facts.


  1. Kind of like an observation I heard years ago; "Often the crazies become psychologists."

    1. Helper--I have and have had so many friends who are gay. Like left handed people, those in wheel chairs, etc., they are in a world not set up for them. There are many things to navigate, pension plans, property ownership, etc. On top of that, they have to be extra careful about revealing the sexual orientation for fear of condemnation. We had a gay young man live with us years ago for a few months taking training in a Fargo Hospital. He did not go out to a bar with the other young people after work because he was afraid there would be off color jokes about gay people. I wish Christianity across the board could end this condemnation. Of course it is not only Christians that engage in condemnation but it would be good start if they could stop doing it.


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