Climate Change Deniers Should Ask our Military About It

Certainly, we can and should be skeptical of all sources of information. However, sometimes a source of information makes a more powerful impression on one than all others. In the case of climate change our military could perhaps use it as a justification for more resources. It may also be correct in perceiving it as a major threat to our own security.

A book was just published based on the military's view of climate change. Military officials are reluctant to say much about it publicly because the issue is so politically charged. They see three major threats from climate change.

Large scale migration in other parts of the world will cause political instability which will spill over into the U.S. There will be requests to the U.S. for help in maintaining stability. It will be in the U.S. interests to provide this stability but the resources available may too small for the tasks.

Climate change will make it difficult to move the military into positions to help both our own and other counties. Flooding, for example, may leave resources isolated.

Destructive weather may, in fact already has, damaged military facilities themselves and more can be an anticipated. This will harm the ability of the military to provide the security we expect from it.

It is peculiar in general, politically liberal people are more interested and concerned about climate change than are conservatives. Conservatives often are more supportive of the military and its role in defending the country from other potentially invading countries. They are against immigration. Yet, climate change has plenty of potential for foreign countries wanting U. S. resources and for massive amounts of immigration pressure.

While the military is preparing for these huge threats, many religious conservative people spend their time worrying about gays marrying. Or, they spend their time and money trying to prevent abortions.

While some conservatives fiddle while Rome burns most liberals, and their unlikely team members, the military, are looking to solutions for problems of far reaching consequences.


  1. Jon is, if anything, predictable. no matter the topic, he has to drag in homosexuality and abortion. and usually by scolding his betes noir, harping on their supposed lack of attention to the BIG LEFTIST crusades du jour. as to climate change/global warming (whatever) I think that I know enuf about the topic to have some "right" to an opinion. Of course global warming is real, any idiot with even a passing familiarity with climatology knows that. Regrettably, however, any rational, balanced discussion of the subject has been overshadowed by politicians, journalists, academics, even scientists with juvenile horror stories. Horror stories that are on par with the Scriptural horror stories that Jon finds so much joy in mocking and caricaturing. In this regard, think of the US senator that said the battling climate change is a new religious crusade. or think about Al Gore and the little girl from Sweden.

  2. Unknown "Jon is...predictable. No matter the topic, he has to drag in homosexuality and abortion."

    Actually, that is not true. Those topics are present because Christians inserted them. They are not in the Bible. They are of recent history. If you do not like to see them in my posts you have two good options. Option a.) insist Christians stop condemning them or b.) don't read my blog entries.


    1. "they are or of recent history". demonstrably untrue. irrelevantly dragging them into any discussion. demonstrably true. blaming the Christians for your perverse preoccupations. sophistry. failure to comment on the topic at hand. ????? as to reading your posts. I will continue to read those that are of interest to me. many I don't read at all.


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