The Second Apostle Paul is Here, a Woman
We all know from Bible stories the so called Apostle Paul talked to Jesus various times after Jesus was dead. The story teller knew it was necessary to have Paul talk to Jesus because Paul needed to be THE authority on the Christian faith and not just another of the big talkers.
So, how could Paul talk to someone who was dead for awhile? We now know this is possible and tickets are available to see it done. A lady known as the "Long Island Medium", Theresa Caputo, will perform near where I live and you can attend. She will roam through the audience and put random people in touch with their long dead friends and families.
How can someone talk to the dead? I cannot tell you but Ms. Caputo and Paul can. And, if you believe Paul did this but Ms. Caputo is a fake, the Bible has news for you.
The Bible warns us about scoffers. I read there are 39 Bible versus scolding scoffers including 2 Peter 3:3 and Psalm 1:1-3. So, if you are scoffing at Ms. Caputo let that be a warning.
I am a scoffer at both Ms. Caputo and Paul. If one was suspicious of Ms. Caputo why then not be skeptical of a character in the Bible who made the same claim Ms. Caputo will make in her upcoming performance.
Paul talked to Jesus in a vision. The Bible says others were present in the vision. My hand is up as a scoffer.
I think we could ruin Ms. Caputo's phony business. Each of us could write in our wills we will refuse to talk to her after we are dead.
at first blush, I thought it was Paula White.
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