Insisting Women are Inferior to Men Will Hurt Christianity

The largest denominations in Christianity, Catholic and Southern Baptist, both exclude women from the pulpit. There are other less significant denominations as well. There can be only one reason for doing this. That reason is the self-interest of men. In reading the various views on this topic, I've concluded those who publish and are instrumental in influencing denominations fall into two camps and use two types of reasoning. One camp, that prevents women from holding the preacher title, uses this reasoning: Women have never been preachers. Jesus had male only disciples. Therefore, it must mean we men are to be the only teachers of the faith. The second group, which sees no reason for the Christian faith to exclude women from the pulpit, is made up of scholars who go back to the writing that may (or may note) best reflect what original writers said or meant. We must remember always there is no original writing, only that recopied many times. Further, from the early availabl...