Those With Addictions Need to be Protected From Religion
Many states have now prohibited a Christian-based "cure" from homosexuality call Conversion Therapy. Research found it not only failed to change sexual orientation but caused psychological harm. It took several years of this harm before the public and legislators figured this out.
Similar to conversion therapy is the long-standing treatment of alcohol and drug abuse that goes under the name, Alcoholics Anonymous. Known as AA it is widely believed to be very successful. Belief in its success was not based on rigorous research but on stories passed around. This belief in its success remains common for judges often require those addicted to use only AA for their treatment.
The success rate of AA has been compared recently to the success rate of those alcoholics who participated in no program whatsoever. The recovery rate was the same.
Add to that the principle of separation of church and state. Defenders of AA often say something like, "Those at AA meetings are not required to submit to God. It is to summit to any god or to a spiritual concept." That is ridiculous. A "spirit" is a religious concept. There is no known entity that is a "spirit." One has to be religious to believe a "spirit" exists. An alcoholic who is absolutely certain there is no "god' and no "spirit" there is nothing to "submit" to. Shell games do not heal addictions.
The link author was an alcoholic and went to AA meetings. She said the meetings helped her push back against her habit and desire to drink. She now sees the force that helped was comradery within her group. Comradery, she wrote, can exist outside of a religious context.
Comradery without religion is exactly what is happening across the country. A new national organization is growing rapidly. In addition, local non-religious groups are starting because of the demand. The young generations are becoming increasing less religious and when finding they need help they seek people like themselves, not religious.
Rational and fact-based treatments will help our country deal with its problems of addictions.
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