South Carolina Republicans Promote Death of Women Who Have Abortions
One interesting thing I've experienced doing this blog for several years is the naiveite of some in the forced birth camp. When I first pointed out it is inevitable women will be jailed and prosecuted for having abortions some in the old school of anti-abortion said "impossible." "Women have never been seen as the cause for abortions," they said. "Women are the victims of those doctors who perform abortions. These doctors persuade women. Left alone, no woman would have an abortion."
I've pointed out here repeatedly the only person completely responsible for an abortion decision is the woman. To say a state of the country can have a successful forced birth law without prosecuting women is absurd. Now, there are legislators in South Carolina who are ready to put women who have abortions to death.
It matters little that bills calling for deaths of women who have had abortions are not past at this time. For years, many thought Roe would never be overturned. Forced birth advocates do not have the same rational limits on how far they will go to punish their enemies. Pregnant women are the weak enemy they are focused on now.
The thinking of forced birth strategists has been targeting women will unleash opposition that will set back their efforts to stop all abortions. It could be they are feeling invincible and will go forward against women.
It will be interesting to watch the reaction of the Pope and Catholic hierarchy. If experience is a predictor we can expect some Bishops on either side of this issue. Some Bishops have no interest in the welfare of women in general and pregnant women in particular.
All of us who want women to have rights equal to men hope there is some limit to the damage force birth zealots are determined to inflict on the country. We have not seen a limit yet but maybe its out there some where.
The life of a woman for the death of her fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus. This really is a race to the bottom to the most draconian treatment of woman for using medication to restore their menses. Killing a woman for terminating an unwanted pregnancy definitely ends her reproductive life and any chance she could have children later on. Isn’t that kinda missing the point of forced birth zealotry, more children. Chances are a healthy menstrual cycle expels some fertilized ova if conception has occurred. According to some traditions ensoulment and personhood occur at conception. Maybe one of your Catholic readers can explain what happens to the souls of these hapless blastula people as they disintegrate.