Anti-Abortion Political Operatives Will Re Elect Biden

There is an old saying in politics, "Voters will admit you helped them in the past. What they want to know now is 'What have you done for me lately?'" That is illustrated so well in an article posted on the Atlantic site. Trump is so stupid he did not recognize anti-abortion politics would not end with appointing Supreme Court judges that overturned Wade. This group insists on eliminating all abortion. After that, it will demand no birth control. After that no women in the work force. 

After he lost the election, Trump blamed the anti-abortion voters. They "didn't deliver" he said. From their point of view, they had helped him but he himself was the reason he lost. Anti-abortion operatives do not understand they hurt Trump. They hurt the Republican Party in the midterms. Now, they think they are in a strong bargaining position? Hardly. 

The well-paid leaders of nonprofit anti-abortion groups know how to play the money game. They pretend they are in a good position to bargain with Trump and other Republicans. They know they have no cards to play. Those who send them money do not want to hear this. Instead, they want to hear things are moving toward a nationwide abortion prohibition. The leaders make a wink-wink promise, as they have for decades, they will outlaw abortions.

This is all a poker game. Anti-abortion nonprofits are bluffing, putting up a front they hold good cards. Anyone who notices election results knows they have empty hands. Anti-abortion people in the pews are so blinded by images of fetuses and their religious obsessions they cannot see the reality in front of them. The reality is a substantial majority wants abortion available and Democrats plan the deliver just that. 

Trump is not the brightest porch light on the block, but he knows anti-abortion has no cards to play. He knows he will win the primary and that anti-abortion groups have burned all bridges with Democrats. Democrats don't need them and the more they support Trump the more support Democrats will give to abortion availability.

Anti-abortion could have worked with Democrats all these years to reduce abortions. Large subsidies to pregnant women might have helped. It's too late to make a deal.


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