Republicans in Some States are Supporting Dem's Reproduction Policies
Suddenly, Republicans need votes from women and their supporters. To avert a political disaster, they are supporting over the counter birth control, subsidies for low-income mothers and a few other practical and enlightened policies.
For some decades, Catholic religious beliefs have been adopted by many protestants. This allowed several political victories against women. Birth control was considered by some conservative Protestant politicians as bad as abortion. They are now separating themselves from Catholics to save their own hide.
Liberals have been saying for decades there is nothing more "pro life" than paying for medical services for women, even before they are pregnant. Paying for healthy diets and watching for signs of problems while pregnant is as "pro life" as laws against abortion. What has held public assistance back has been the anti women politics of some parts of Christianity and subsequently of the Republican Party.
Statistics are clear that low income women lose pregnancies more often than women with higher incomes. People with higher education and income simply live longer themselves than those of lower incomes. Why is it not "pro life" to make certain people of all incomes have good medical care? The answer is politics. So called "pro life" political factions needed to do business with low tax conservatives. This meant anyone who is truly "pro life" needed to ignore statistical facts that low income people die earlier the those with higher incomes.
Still hanging out there in conservative states are laws preventing abortions until there is a certain kind of evidence the mother's life is in danger. It is not permissible to perform an abortion to prevent these dangerous conditions from developing. The dangerous conditions have to actually develop before abortions can be performed. There are deaths from this requirement. This is not only the opposite of "pro life," it is barbaric.
One can only hope that as time moves on these first steps at rational thinking by some branches of the Republican Party will be followed by others. Just as they have done recently, they would help themselves by copying what liberals do.
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