Catholic Notre Dame University Hosts an Christian LGBGT Event

I like to look at websites of Christian colleges and universities. What actually is going on in these places cannot be found on the Welcome page. There you will find pictures of student enjoying themselves on the campus. The implication is students study one of the advertised majors and find good jobs and good lives forever after. To find what students think and talk about one need to look at the back pages of the campus' website for "student organizations" or "student life." No matter how vehemently the denomination declares homosexuality to be a "sin", its colleges and universities will almost inevitably have a LGBGT support group on campus.

The presence of gay rights groups and academic treatment of the topic is more obvious at places that carry a religious label but are known as "research universities." These include campuses such as Notre Dame and Holy Cross.  

The link is about a featured event at Notre Dame. It is a discussion about homosexuality featuring academics who will, no doubt, present it in a favorable light. Notre Dame has a department of gender studies. This kind of event was frowned on, or one could even say banned, in the 1999 decision by the conservative Catholic Bishops of the U.S. The approved motion at this confab was that each local Bishop has control over what is taught and the activities of Catholic institutions of higher education in his individual diocese. 

Why, then, does the local Bishop allow a widely publicized event and a gay rights student organization right in plain site when it is his obligation to stop such sin? Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades has been there since 2010. He says nothing because he enjoys his life as Bishop of South Bend. This Bishop was a college faculty member during his career. The City of South Bend has a large and active gay community.  It's former Mayor, Pete Buttigieg, is an out gay. I would guess the Bishop enjoys watching Notre Dame football games in the celebrity suite at the stadium with the Notre Dame President, politicians and large donors.  

The financial success of his own diocese is linked to the success of the City of South Bend and the success of Notre Dame. With Pope Francis now in charge he is not to refer to homosexuality as a sin. This is, no doubt, fine with him. He does not want to put sin and Notre Dame in the same sentence. Better is to continue his good life as Bishop of South Bend.


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