Republicans Who Hate Drag Have Performed in Drag

We've had Republicans who hate homosexuality turn out to be gay. Those who hate abortions have paid for abortions. And, those who say men in drag harm children have appeared in drag. I won't even start on Tucker Carlson of Fox News who has lied about several things. 

Often non believers pokes fun at anti drag show religious crazies by showing pictures of Bob Hope and Milton Burle doing a drag skit. Conservative reaction is always something like, "But they were not trying to confuse children about gender like current drag queens are doing." My answer would be how do you know what either Hope/Burle or today's drag queens are trying to accomplish. As far as I know both are harmless entertainment. Men dressed in drag in the Bible and have been doing so for as long as there has been recorded history.

Then there is the question of what exactly does a man have to wear to be dressed as a woman. Is it the skirt instead of pants? Is it make up of any kind? Is it high heeled shoes? Men regularly wear any or all of these. One group of men who often wear skirts instead of pants are cleryg. The leading skirt wearer is called the Pope.

Many politicians have done skits dressed in drag. This includes some of the harshest ones who oppose drag men reading to children in libraries. 

That anyone dressed in drag is trying to confuse children about their gender is ridiculous. It's as if conservatives have run out of ideas and must scrap the bottom of the barrel to come up with something. 

I think use of social issues to fire up voters is a signal conservatives have run out of ideas. They might want to look back at a more credible conservative time when Republicans less government instead of expanding government. Or, they might consider a time when Republicans advocated that government minimize, instead of maximize, interfearance with the private lives of citizens. 


  1. Florida Gov. DeSantis pulled the liquor license of the Hyatt Regency Miami hotel for what Jon might call a drag show but what ws actually perverted sexual acts of adults in the presence and with the participation of children at times.

    Somehow, I see the difference between this and Bob Hope dressing in panty hose and a skirt while he entertains US troops in war time.

    1. Matt--"and with the participation of children at times."

      The news story I read did not say anything about children participating or even whether there were any minors present. In any case, it was advertised as possible adult material and minor were required to be with a parent. A parent can take their child out of the venue if they think it inappropriate. Parents, according to you and the DeSantis, themselves need supervision on how to raise their children.

    2. Oh, so parental approval is the standard .... then why not strip clubs? Sometimes, even parents need to be policed.


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