Why Are Christians so Angry

Even though Christians are in the driver's seat in so many ways, they continue to think, instead, they are under siege . This peculiar thinking makes them worse off than they would be if they simply accepted reality as it is. Reality is we are not a Christian nation. Christianity worldwide is a minority but Christians in the U.S. can still believe whatever religious tenants they choose. It seems to me Christians do not have anything to be angry about. I know, however, this is not about some objective measurement of circumstances. It is about expectations. Parts of the faith are so confident they know "the truth" they expect to prevail first in converting everyone to their faith and second making their rules of faith the rules of government. We need only look at recent events surrounding abortion and rights of homosexual people. Somehow, the peculiar notion got into the heads of millions of Christians their religious views should become the law of the land. Not only did t...