Will Some Christians Ever Learn the Bible Can be Harmful

Laughing at what ancient wealthy goat herders wrote is all right until we start to add up the harm they can do to contemporary readers of the Bible. People who have passionate views about how and when to follow what they think is written in the Bible can, and do, do damage to themselves and others. 

First, we must remind ourselves the Bible does not condemn homosexuality. Long ago, those who hate homosexuals began to pick out passages they thought condemned same sex attraction. Now they have extended their prejudice to those who are compelled to change the gender they were assigned at birth.

The link preaches those of his view that homosexuality is a sin must carry on the fight even though they are losing with the public. Worse, he says people with children must talk to children about the sin of same sex attraction or changing their sexual identity later in life. No creditable research has shown talking to children about "the sin of sexuality" has helped even one child. Many adults who are homosexual or trans look back at such talk by their parents as being very painful even into adulthood.

But, many believers think all the stuff in the Bible is good for children to hear. The Noah story is probably read to most Sunday School children. What a great story that God drowned babies because they were sinners. Oh yes, this is a God that loves us.

There are posts on our local atheist Face Book page just now related to this. A couple with two toddlers have a nanny who is quite a bit younger than they are. They like her a lot. There is one difficult thing, the nanny is very religious and invites them and their toddlers to her church. The parents have so far changed the subject--they do not want their toddlers to hear stories about God killing children for their sins. The mother is asking other atheists on FB for advice on how to handle this.

The nanny is young and has no children of her own. Maybe she could be asked if, when she has children, they could join the atheists at their gatherings. 


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