The Difference Between Science and Religion

In spite of the fact science and religion are at constant war with each other, at least in some circles of debate, it is unusual for to read a rational and dispassionate analysis of the difference between the two. I even have some difficulty devoting time to discussing what religion claims to be the "truth."  I admire anyone who has the patience to discuss its claims. 
I was reminded of an experience just a few years ago. I attended a graveside service for a close relative. There were only about 10 people there, a large memorial service was held weeks later in her home church several hundred miles away which I attended also.

At the small graveside service, I expected the local preacher to say a few words about the deceased and how she is now in heaven, etc. Instead, he launched into a somewhat longer monologue about the "proof" of life after death. The "proof" was that Jesus was dead but later "seen alive by many people." The Bible is full of supernatural events claimed to be seen by many. The link points out this is religion's answer to science. Personal claims of unverifiable observation is considered evidence so powerful it is without question. The sciences do not operate in this way.

 Science  is based too on observation. The kind of observation, however, is not the same. Science ideally has a null hypotheses to test what has been observed. In the social sciences and somewhat in the humanities reasons for doubt are front and center and opposing conclusions are often published along with a finding. Bart Ehrman, Chair of Religion at a large state university, often publishes views the opposite of his own on his blog page where there is no requirement that he do so. His field is not within science but he approaches his subject matter as a scientist would approach his/hers.

Religious people are helped be religion. The role of religion outside of religious people is close to zero.


  1. as usual I don't have time to lay it all out for you. It seems, however, that you have what I would term an "old fashioned" understanding of science. Do you have any notion of what goes on in sub particle physics these days. Matter as energy? Entities that act on each other with no causal relationship between them? Entities that cannot be observed because the fact of observation itself changes the entities being observed? Scientists being more "theologians," than scientists?. The view that the universe is more like a thought than a hard, material entity? something to think about, eh?


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