Years of Whack-a-Mole Against Abortion

New and easier ways of delivering abortion services have meant not too bright legislators and Governors have had to come up with more excuses for new laws. Nearly all of these politicians preach smaller government. What a joke they are.

Where I live there is a new innovation to provide abortion medicine. It is being done by mail. The "magic" ultrasound image, required by the Whack-a-Mole crowd, is done by at some non abortion site. Ultimately the abortion medicine is delivered by the mail carrier. 

No doubt the Whack-a-Mole crowd will try to defund the postal service because of this sin.  We can be treated to solemn Senators telling the Postmaster General, "Do you realize your mail carriers are murdering a human being when they deliver that envelope?" I was called a murderer back in the day for endorsing the Police Department's effort to keep the streets and sidewalks available to the public which the law requires. Whether it is calling anyone supporting women's rights a murderer or shouting prayers at women entering clinics which perform abortions, no one can top the self righteousness of anti abortion nut cases. 

I read a blog the other day by a man who opposes abortion. He complained, however, about the court cases being brought forward to the Supreme Court by anti abortion organizations. All the important cases have all been turned down. He said anti abortion operatives should have cases that do not look like they have been written in crayon on a playpen wall.

That sums up nicely so much of what we see. Our governor signed a bill outlawing abortions when there is a "heartbeat." There is no "hearbeat" however because at that stage there is no heart.  Her statement did not address the health of the mother but said only abortion is killing a human being. Of course the bill was put on hold immediately by a judge as has been every other such bill passed by the legislature and signed by Republican Governors here in Iowa.

In this period when people are trying to avoid exposure to the virus by not going to offices of doctors or anyone else and avoiding retail places like drug stores it only makes sense to have medicines delivered by the post office. Anti abortion operatives of course don't care about lives except for the lives of fetuses. 

This is why they are opposing the practical delivery of medicine by mail. 


  1. If you don't calm yourself, Jon, you may bring on a heart attack.

    We already have a postal service nightmare that is actually real. It is called delivery of opioids from China to US addresses. Somehow, FedEx and UPS know how to scan for opioids but the USPS either can't or won't.

    Are you as glib and dismissive of these death drugs being delivered to US citizens? Would you not advocate for laws, regulations or procedures which would end this drug delivery mechanism? I would.

    And for the same reason, I advocate for abortion-inducing drugs to be outlawed by USPS delivery.

    You amaze me. Drugs which induce abortion can also cause complications. Hell of a time to be alone in your bathroom, bedroom or living room dealing with a drug causing you mortal problems. I suppose you call that health care. I call it the result of a rabid, pro-abortion crowd that are concerned more about killing babies than protecting women.

    Interestingly, my pharmacist will mail me my prescriptions, unless they are narcotics. I think it is against the law. Some drugs are not meant to be mailed.

  2. Matt "Some drugs are not meant to be mailed."

    That no doubt is true. Abortion drugs are not among them. There is not a history of problems taking these drugs. There is more danger in giving birth. The opposition to providing the abortion drugs by mail is religious.

    1. Tell me about these harmless drugs and their side effects. You seem to know more than the physician community. Also, tell me more about how you know which drugs should or should not be mailed. What is the Lindgren medical standard? What is the actual history of taking "these drugs"? What are "these drugs"?

      Did you not read the federal judge's opinion that regardless of a religious opinion, a law can stand on merits not related to religion?

      On a related note, Kanye West just brought Margaret Sanger's legacy into the spotlight on how Blacks have been treated in America. How do you like being on the wrong side of racial bigotry and eugenics?

    2. Tell me about these harmless drugs and their side effects. You seem to know more than the physician community. Also, tell me more about how you know which drugs should or should not be mailed. What is the Lindgren medical standard? What is the actual history of taking "these drugs"? What are "these drugs"?

      Did you not read the federal judge's opinion that regardless of a religious opinion, a law can stand on merits not related to religion?

      On a related note, Kanye West just brought Margaret Sanger's legacy into the spotlight on how Blacks have been treated in America. How do you like being on the wrong side of racial bigotry and eugenics?

    3. I read up on your abortion-by-mail drugs. The pro-abortion organization that did the safety stats claims they are 92-95% safe. The story I found on the first (only?) organization that does this is based in Europe, writes the "prescription" to a pharmacy in India (not Indiana), charges $95, requires that the woman claims to be less than 10 weeks pregnant, within 1 hour of a hospital and dissolves the doc and the pharmacy from liability.

      If that is your idea of women's health care, what's next, dentistry via the USPS?

    4. Matt--"If that is your idea of women's health care...?

      True to form whack-a-mole against any form of abortion, anywhere by anyone.

  3. A freethinker becomes a Catholic, based on a proven miracle in modern times -

    1. Matt @ 8:21 AM “proven miracle”
      As is often your want you derail the discussion at hand. I’ll bite on this side track. How does a devout Catholic man of science recognize and prove a miracle?

    2. When all scientific explanations are exhausted and none found valid. The Catholic Church does not declare something miraculous or worthy of belief unless all rational, scientific explanations are exhausted.

      Go to 51:35 of the YouTube video I referenced. Go to 52:18. Now, look up the names of the free-thinker who became Catholic and the exhumed man, whose leg was so badly broken that medicine / science had no explanation for his recovery. What was a floppy, useless leg suddenly became normal. The free-thinker, after 23 years of the man's death, had the body exhumed so he could examine the leg. He became a Catholic, so moved was he by the only explanation available - a divine intervention, i.e. a miracle.

      The man with the broken, diseased left leg was Pieter De Rudder. The free-thinking physician who converted to Catholicism was Dr. Van Hoestenberghe.

    3. Matt July 9, 2020 @ 5:22 PM
      I did review the YouTube video where you suggested and the Wikipedia link you posted on Mr. De Rudder.

      The Wikipedia link ended with:
      “Noted skeptic Joe Nickell who investigated, discovered that some of the testimony in the case was subject to error as it was unrecorded for eighteen years. He also found evidence that the healing had occurred before Rudder's visit to the shrine and it was not instantaneous. Nickell concluded that in the De Rudder case "there is evidence that an injury, healed long before, was passed off as instantaneous—a miracle that wasn’t."

      The “incorrupted” corpse of Bernadette of Lourdes on display is not so much - her face and hands are made of wax. The lady in Bernadette’s visions apparently announced herself with “I am the immaculate conception” and requested a chapel be built. I find that odd for some reason.

      I do not doubt your genuine enthusiasm for such “proven miracles” but I must refer to them as “certified” by the Catholic Church rather than proven in any sense. If that certification amounts to proof for you fair enough.

    4. Ardy B That's hilarious. I can't remember a time when a reference of Matt's proved to be what he claimed. My theory is he finds the references at Catholic propaganda sites and puts them up here without actually looking at them. If he had the ability to recognize propaganda sites for what they are, propaganda, he might not make such foolish posts.

    5. I guess I should have asked Bart Ehrmann ...


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