Let the Guilty Pay

People who believe the Bible is "God's word" make up stuff they claim it says or means. People who are anti abortion have convoluted ways of claiming the Bible or God condemns abortion.

About half pregnancies end in miscarriages. According to the Bible, God is all knowing and all powerful. If one believes this how could one conclude other than that God wanted and caused these miscarriages which are abortions?

Strange things happen when it is believed the fertilized egg and subsequent fetus is a human being. Decades ago young woman, a relative of mine, underwent fertility treatments a thousand miles from where she lived. In those early days, extra eggs were fertilized and implanted with the expectation only the best one or two would thrive. The others would be removed later. My relative had three implants. Her doctor said one was not doing well so it would eventually be removed. This would allow the other two to do better. These twins are now adults. 

During a periodic check up in a different clinic close to her home, a technician learned the third would be later removed and scolded my relative. My relative was her patient and it didn't matter that my relative had hired her to perform routine medical services. 

I was reminded of this incident by a science story explaining when there is more than one embryo, one sometimes disappears. It just is no longer there. The only explanation is the surviving embryo(s) absorb the lost one.

These lost embryos cannot be blamed on either the mother or a doctor.  Yet, anti abortion operatives want the lost ones to be called "human beings" in our laws. Who is then guilty of their deaths? I suppose God could be blamed as in miscarriages but these are different. There seems no other conclusion but to prosecute the surviving embryos. Charges could be filed while they are right there in the mother's body because they are human beings. 

Of course this question would not come up were it not for the peculiar religious belief the embryo is a "human being." My suggestion the surviving embryo(s) is guilty is no more bonkers than the religious myth an embryo is a human being.


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