Finding a Purpose in Life

One of the most manipulative techniques in Christianity, and other religions, is using religion to give people meaning to their lives. If life needs some "meaning" to a person the church arrives and says, "The purpose in your life is to serve an imaginary god. That god wants you to give him (us) your money." I've always wondered about the constant presence this question, "Why am I here?" Close to me all of my life have been people with diagnosed depression. To them, at least some of the time, life is gloom and pessimism. They seem not to have a purpose in their lives. Some of these have been Christians but the purpose posed by the faith did not help. The famous book, A Purpose Driven Life, was written by a prominent preacher. It, too, preached one finds purpose by serving the Christian God. His own son died by suicide as a young adult. The additional question is what primitive people might have wondered their purpose in life was supposed to be. If peo...