Were You Surprised by "Big Christian" in the Biden Rollout
Perhaps Christian conservatives were as surprised as I was by the number of times God was evoked during the Biden inauguration and related events. There was a lot of it. On atheist sites there are complaints.
I'm guessing here, I think both conservative Christians and atheists alike thought the appearance of Biden's rollout would be similar to the look of Obama's second term. In my recollection it was light on prayers and either in the inauguration or shortly after Obama began referring to "various" religious groups "as well as those with no religion."
Only by reading Ross Douthat in the New York Times did it soak into my slow brain the Christianity on display in the inauguration was aimed, not at atheists or Protestants, but at other Catholics. Douthat is a conservative Catholic, at least that's how I regard him, so he is not all that enthusiastic about the Pope's nor Biden's brand of "let's believe our own thing but not push it too far" brand. He points out that liberal Catholicism was thought all but dead during recent decades. Popes Benedict and John had no use for it. They appointed their own kind as Bishops and hammered home anti abortion and anti gay politics. Now the appearance of Biden's liberal Catholicism is so enthusiastic it is called by some "main stream."
I've repeated here many times the best hope for survival of Christianity is its liberal branch. That is in both the Catholic and Protestant branches. Practical thinking makes it the only way forward.
Conservative Christianity years ago chose a street with a big "dead end" sign. It now finds itself facing the actual dead end. The public is not buying anti abortion, anti gay or anti a list of other sins as long as your arm. It most importantly does not buy passing laws against sin. We are seeing the prohibition experience revisited.
Biden's lesson for conservative Christians is he knows how to play their card--maybe better than they do.
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