Georgia will Choose Which is "True Christian"

While some would call it political theater, I would call Georgia's Senate election tomorrow "religious theater." It is the perfect confrontation between two Christian camps who have been at each other's throats almost since the beginning of this country. It is between the an old South white lady, Sen. Kelly Loeffler, and a black social gospel Baptist preacher, Raphael Warnock. A prominent scholar on religion, Professor Stephen Prothero, outlined nicely the two competing branches of Christianity.  

Current Senator Loeffler is all about the version of Christianity some call Trump Republicanism. It is quite simple, if you are against abortion you are a good Christian. If you are for abortion rights, not Christian at all.  It seems like only yesterday the line in the sand was gay marriage and "family values." This year it is abortion.

Rev. Warnok is from the Martin Luther King school of the social gospel. The Jesus in the Bible talked of caring for the poor and today we should be doing the same thing. Rev. Warnok is unapologetic about supporting abortion rights. It is not important like concern for the poor. He dismisses the notion President Trump is a Christian in good standing if his only Christian credential is appointing anti abortion judges.

Everyone with an arms length objective view of Christianity knows there is only legitimate version of the faith. It is the one "I" practice. Every other version is flawed. It would be ironic if the majority of voters in Bible-Belt Georgia decided the correct one is not the anti abortion version but instead the abortion rights version.  It almost happened in a recent Georgia governor's race. I've been visiting Georgia for years and always had the impression it was ripe for a political earthquake. Of course, it may not happen this time.

I've made the observation here many times that pushing abortion forward as the single most important political measure of one's Christian faith was a most peculiar development. It was peculiar because the Bible does not condemn abortion. It is condemned only following the favorite words in Christian theology, "What this means is...."


  1. "I've made the observation here many times that pushing abortion forward as the single most important political measure of one's Christian faith was a most peculiar development."

    That sword cuts both ways and is not limited to a Christian issue. The singular litmus test within the demo party as an approved national political candidate is one's stance on pro-choice issues. All matters revolve around this democrat single-issue politics. Period. 1st and 2nd Amendment issues for democrats are only of a minor concern for them.

  2. Henry -- I can only repeat, pushing abortion forward as the single most important issue of one's Christian faith is a most peculiar development because the Bible does not condemn abortion.

    1. Very little time is expended on pro-bort/pro-life issues in my personal experience outside of this blog. Jesus Christ's work on the cross atoning for sin is the single most important issue and the most discussed. On your platform, this topic receives little attention. The frequent abortion topic is a function of you and the priority you assess to it.

      As far as your characterizing abortion as the single most important issue, that is either a lack of understanding or worse yet, a straw man to be knocked down.

    2. Henry--"Very little time is expended..."

      I wasn't referring to your personal life nor mine. I was referring to leaders in the faith and surveys. Plus, I have read that Trump himself said at every stop people should vote for him because of his anti abortion Supreme Court appointments.

      Your explanation is a typical way the conservative parts of the faith handle things. Before the election there is one issue that was supposed to have swayed even those who disliked Trump. It was all about anti abortion supremes. Now when abortion lost its, "Oh, it really wasn't about abortion at all."


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