The Voting Machine Company Is Suing Giuliani


I have said here often, as have others, Rudy Giuliani should make available the sources of his claim there was fraud in the recent Biden victory.  Giuliani has said at least 50 times that a voting machine company, Dominion, illegally doctored the outcome and Trump would have won had it not done this. 

Giuliani is said to have a net worth of $45 million. The lawsuit is for $1.3 billion. Perhaps Giuliani has liability insurance that will help if he loses. In any event, it appears he will have to disclose whether there is or is not any evidence of fraud by Dominion. So far he has been more comfortable lobbing accusations than he has providing evidence. He seems to have a disconnect from reality.

Here is what the Trump/Giuliani tribe is up against. Probably since the beginning of elections those with fewer votes have complained about the vote counting. Jimmy Carter got his start in politics by forming a group to monitor election counting in rural Georgia. He was successful in correcting cheating and went on to be Governor and President. Democrats and Republicans at various times have challenged vote counting and put in place safeguards to protect their own self interest.

It appears Trump/Giuliani woke up one morning and said, "I'll be no one has ever thought of challenging the vote count. We will be the first and officials will not be ready of our challenge." It turned out officials including administrators charged with counting the votes as well as legislators who put in place safeguards so the other party could not cheat were more than ready. Trump/Giuliani were like children walking into a room full of adults.

Since they could not find individual officials cheating they decided to go after a private company. Even with this idea their narrative was so far off the wall it went no where. Made up tales that somehow the voting machines were altered by crooks in Venezuela will now face challenge in court. The Dominion company is suing Giuliani for liable.  

If ever there was something to help Biden, this lawsuit is it. I predict Dominion will be found to have done no cheating whatsoever and their machines had double safeguards to assure an honest election. This will make headlines and reduce the percentage of people who believe something was amiss. 


  1. "If ever there was something to help Biden, this lawsuit is it."

    This lawsuit will discredit Biden even further. The burden of proof is on the plaintiff. They will open themselves up to discovery. They really do not want that. This is a feint and only under desperate circumstances.

    The treble hook is set. The evidence is already gathered. This discovery will provide more of the same evidence from a different angle and is welcome. More bad fish get to be netted. Good luck. Good luck. A messy affair. It has been soiled for awhile.

    1. Henry --"evidence from a different angle and is welcome."

      That is exactly what Rudy is saying--he has been holding back the good stuff and he will be proven right. What I'm guessing is that he will have more of the same old same old. It will not muster a legal win--a big Rudy loss. But, it will be just the kind of stuff Trumpetts swallow whole hog. It will make Rudy a bigger hero than ever. If not Trump in 2024 it will be Rudy.

      It's the Civil War reply. From the South's perspective they did not lose, they were cheated. "The South Will Rise Again" won a lot of elections for segregationists.

    2. I doubt Rudy has the good stuff. ;)

    3. Jon,

      I don’t know who has the goods on whom. It’s was sad watching old Rudy schlepping around courtrooms in a cloud of miasma with hair dye running down his face slinging Trump’s BS. I hope Dominion leaves him with enough to finish the work on his grill and get that o-ring repaired.

    4. Henry -- "I doubt Rudy has the good stuff."
      You have alluded before here about information you have that others do not. I can't recall a time when this ultimately proved to be true.

    5. "......information you have that others do not."

      That is untrue. I have the same information that others would also have if they got off their fat ass and read the reports and documents readily available, especially after declassification, which democrat bureaucrats fought.

      Of course, there is info that I do not have and that Rudy likely even wouldn't have. The proper authorities have that. There is even some information that is illegal for anyone to possess, suitable only for a court of law or for an attorney to hold. It is one thing to show Mr. Bieden falling asleep in bed with a meth pipe dangling from his rotten teeth. It is quite another to show video evidence of Mr. Bieden committing a crime with a minor. Damn laptops! Damn thing has been in FBI hands since 2019, and nothing. Must be something "good" on it as they have not yet given it back to the computer shop owner. However, Mr. Bieden, his dad, and his uncle are too big to fail.

      If the FBI does not take action on a clear cut simpler matter of right/wrong, they will not act on a more complicated election matter. Everyone knows this. The information is held elsewhere, which we have already talked about. They have the info. I would even suspect there is proper chain-of-custody and warrants issued. No fruit of the poisonous tree there. While Mr. Bieden is fumbling around, trying to figure out which end of the pen is up and trying to play checkers, someone else is playing chess. Someone else is adored by government agencies other than swampdwellers in FBI.

    6. Henry, January 27, 2020 at 6:15 PM. “... read the reports and documents readily available, especially after declassification ... .”

      Ok Henry, I am ready to read “reports and documents”. Where are they? Or is this hide and seek, again? Poisonous trees, treble hooks, meth pipes, FBI deplorables, agency adorables, damnable laptops, and I still don’t get it. Who is it you trust?

  2. I trust Trump. I trust the person you attacked concerning his appearance, Rudy. I trust the military in general. I trust the secret service. I trust the US Marshals. I trust a lot of agencies.

    I do not trust the FBI. They have specific instances of lying under oath multiple times. They have specific instances of planting evidence or allowing it to be planted knowing it was false as they presented it in a FISA court. We have watched them aggressively investigate those who are unpopular to the swamp, but are innocent. We have watched them table investigations of those who are popular to the swamp, but are guilty as hell. We have watched them confiscating troubled election ballots from state officials as they were going to be turned over to third party investigators for analysis. They proceeded to grind them despite needing to keep them intact for 22 months. We have watched a general breakdown of integrity with the FBI.

    The declassified files were available via the Whitehouse, but the Hiding Bieden Administration with his confusing pens took it down. You will have to ask them for the data. The files were reposted privately, but one of the big techs deplatformed the official information. The info was moved once again. No sense alerting dem operatives so they can work on deplatforming it again. They really do not want to learn anyway. This is no longer about information sharing. It has come down to book burning from one side, and the other side preserving the information. We are watching true fascism at work, and ironically, the fascism is coming from the folks who supposedly own the high ground in labeling themselves anti-fascist. Perhaps it is not so surprising. Fascism and its cousin Communism are closely related. Individual self-serving interests of the respective dictators in the 20th century superseded them working together despite their shared mutual values.

    1. Henry "I do not trust the FBI."

      That the Trump cult does not trust the FBI and think it might be doing something political against Trump cult is crying in your beer. It is likely Trump owes his one term to political bungling by the FBI. Just when it seems Clinton was gaining traction against Trump James Comey decided to open up yet again an investigation into Hillary's emails. The issue had already been vetted I don't know how many times and never generated anything. For whatever reason, Comey thought he had to do this right before the election even though he knew there was nothing there.

      We can go back to J. Edgar Hoover who invested lots of staff time on rumors of sex, especially homosexuality. This even though it is quite evidence he himself was gay.

    2. Comey had to exercise self-preservation within the establishment. Surprisingly back in 2016, there were enough white hat operators within the FBI to compel Comey to address the emails they had swampishly sat on for several months. He addressed their concern and in short order quashed the investigation in favor of Hillary. The crux of Hillary's email scandal was illegally exporting classified information out of the State Department. Despite it being a glaring example of illegality, the FBI continued turning a blind eye to the corruption and stonewalling. ("Did you wipe the server?” “Like with a cloth or something?” (Bleachbit), etc.) You picked a great example. We can talk about this all day.

    3. "We can go back to J. Edgar Hoover who invested lots of staff time on rumors of sex, especially homosexuality. This even though it is quite evidence he himself was gay."

      This is a hallmark of democrats. Use sex for character assassination and manipulation. The liberal news media and the democrats in the late 40's and 50's were not kind to Hoover and Cohn. As usual, they ran out of argument and did what they always do best. They smeared both for their sexuality.

    4. Henry -- "This is a hallmark of democrats. Use of sex for character assassination and manipulation."

      Golly, only a few days ago you referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as "Bisexual." New rules today I guess.

    5. I think you are confusing me with someone else.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Breaking news relative to this thread. The FBI agent responsible for falsifying the affidavit for the FISA warrant that set in motion the $46 million dollar Russia collusion investigation was sentenced to probation and 400 whopping hours of community service.

    If I cost the government $500 in a process to benefit my political preferences, I would be responsible for full restitution and serve some time. This guy rocked and corrupted the most important institutions of government using the full force of government to do it. He cheapened our institutions for democrat political points. He earned 400 hours community service. He took one for the team.


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