If There is Life on Other Planets, Which God Put it There
It's fun to speculate about gods and life on other planets because it doesn't fit the narrative of believers. One believer, Ken Ham (Ark Encounter), preaches that when we discover aliens we must rush to tell them about Jesus. Apparently, if we don't convert them first the Hindus will claim them.
There is always the possibility their gods will be better ones than those worshipped here on earth. If there are better gods out there we could benefit by knowing about them--maybe Ken Ham's advice would lose Jesus worshippers instead of gain them and the alien's god would be victorious. The Christian God seems to offer a church service that lasts for eternity. Most of us here on earth are ready to exit after an hour. So if an alien god offered free beer and no church the race would be on.
The link discusses a current theory there exist on other planets the same inert stones and mineral that existed on earth before life developed from them. Thus, the ingredients for life exists elsewhere. The author says a believer may conclude that life came from these rocks by a process put in place by God. That raises the question that if there were no God or god, would not life have come about anyway? It seems like it would.
From another view, if God put these rocks on both earth and other planets, why do we have life here and not there? I know there will be believers with answers for this. The answers should be better than the ones for most of the universe.
Author Richard Dawkins says science is much closer to understanding the origin of the universe now than it was only a few decades ago. He is convinced there will soon be good explanations for all the issues we now find as mysteries.
When there are no important questions left there also will be no god.
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