Blaming Public Education for the Drop in Christian Beliefs
An author who appears on conservative sites has made the passionate case that public education is the cause of the decline in Christian beliefs among children. He does not go into what public education should teach that would raise reverse the trend away from religion.
This is but another variation of what I discuss often, that conservative Christians believe if they drum Christianity into the heads of children the children will be Christians for life. Of course, some are. But, church numbers are falling.
We can all appreciate that falling birth rates mean statistically fewer people for many groups. The U.S. and world population is still rising, however, and numbers of church goers should still be rising.
Neither the link author, nor the study he based his article on, address the growing religious diversity. In some states public schools are required to teach religion without promoting any particular one. I've wondered how this can be done with so many religions being represented by the students in the classroom. If taught fairly, the survey of religion would do nothing to promote Christianity which seems to be the goal of the link. It might even be harmful. There are new religions being started every year along with new strains of Christianity.
I would guess most Christians who agree with the author link that Christianity should be taught in public schools know what the message should be. It should be the "true Christian faith." By this they mean the version of Christianity they themselves practice. Every branch of the faith knows that it and only it represent "True Christianity."
There is still a lot of Christianity taught in public schools. Every issue of Freedom From Religion Foundation includes a list of the local schools where students and parents have contacted FFRF with complaints about prayers and such in their school. FFRF verifies this violation is going on then sends a letter to the school district note the potential litigation. Nearly always the school issues a statement the religious training will stop.
I wish I lived where I could volunteer at the Freedom From Religion Foundation. I would like to learn more about the students/parents who complain to FFRF. Most of the schools are in the Bible Belt. How did they learn that FFRF, located in Madison, WI, will help them with this problem? My guess is the internet has so thoroughly covered the globe it reaches deep into the Bible Belt and helps uncover stealth Christian prayer and propaganda.
I don't think driving Christian prayer and dogma back into public schools will solve its problem.
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