We Can't Trust Fauci's Data Because He's an Atheist

It's sometimes frustrating to hear "true believers" but one has to admit they are great entertainment. A writer in the Washington Post tells us Fauci's data cannot be trusted because he is both a humanist and an atheist. There is a group that is marching nine times around the Capital to bring down the wall of the election of Joe Biden. That one is really fun.

Of course we should all be at least a little skeptical of most everything we see and read. The thing about the Covid data, however, was that there was nothing to argue about. We knew how many cases were being found and the number of deaths. There can be errors in various ways about this but the errors is diagnosis or cause of death might understate as well as overstate. But lacking arguments, the Post writer had to resort to the ridiculous. 

What the wacko author was doing was taking instructions from Trump and tossing in atheism to cover her real motive. Trump fired several people for accurately relying data to the public. Some speculate as to his reasons. The most plausible explanation is he noticed the stock market went down when accurate data was released to the public. He feared, correctly, a falling stock market would hurt him politically. He had set himself up for this by bragging he had made it go up. Anyone with half a wit knows the stock market can bite you at anytime and using it for political leverage is foolish. It's like taking credit for sunny weather--wait my enemies made it rain today. 

If Trump had even a small bit of understanding of psychology and stock markets he could have been reelected. He could have accurately reflected the disease or even knowingly over estimated the  severity. He could have done this with a plan of then over stating his success in response. That is, if he took charge of mask, medicine, ventilators and all other details of handling the disease and then declared it was less damaging than predicted he could have claimed himself successful. 

Instead he publicly turned it over to the states. Then he sometimes sabotaged states when he did not like the governor. He once paid a huge some for some masks that had already been purchased and were enroute to a state.

But Trump was not a strategic thinker in that way. For myself, I trust atheist scientists.


  1. always great to know that you are having fun. fun setting up straw men, that is. as to Fauci, I don't know whether he is an atheist or not. he is, however, a human being with all the foibles and limitations of other human beings. and he is a scientist with all the foibles and limitations of ordinary human beings. if you were not so deep into the Trump Derangement mentality, you might be a bit more skeptical of scientists, whether atheistic or otherwise. in fine, I am a tad skeptical of Dr Fauci who, after all, has said a few dumb things along the way.

  2. "Then he sometimes sabotaged states when he did not like the governor. He once paid a huge some for some masks that had already been purchased and were enroute to a state."

    Definitely. At the height of the PPE crisis when NY Coma hoarded all the PPE into a warehouse while other states had nothing and using furnace filters, I guess you can call it sabotage. I call it looking out for all.

    1. Henry--The story I read was not about NYC. I can't remember which state it was but it was one of those which had only furnace filters. I've read also months before the disease arrived here Federal Emergency Management wanted to stockpile masks and ventilators. Instead, Trump fired those in leadership positions and did not replace them. I watched went a reporter asked why he would reduce staff in Emergency. He said, "Look, I'm from business. We lay off people when they are not needed and hire them back when they are needed." If there weren't building code requirements for fire extinguishers I'm sure he would say, "If there's a fire, we'll find were fire extinguishers are sold and buy them." As Gen. Kelly, former Chief of Staff reportedly said to a friend, "He's the most flawed human being I have ever known."

    2. Sabotage was absolutely present. FBI officials used planted evidence (dirty dossier transported by McCain's office from UK to US) against Trump and then knowingly falsely testified before a FISA court that Trump "colluded with Russia". As a result, search warrants and a $48 million dollar investigation against Trump were initiated. That is sabotage.

      I am sure the "one state" using furnace filters was quite content with NY Coma having a warehouse filled to the brim with stored masks. Kind of like Cass County having to go without Rapidtests for COVID. Then, we find they are hoarded in some storage space unused for months. I guess that is Trump's fault, too due to him being the most flawed human being ever.

  3. have read that Fauci's organization was , in part, bankrolling the Wuhan operation. is that true?


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