New Mexico is Preparing to Ensure Abortions Continue

New Mexico has a long standing law against abortion. The law has been ignored since Roe because it is in opposition to Federal Law. Now, a majority of the public and its legislature wants to be certain abortions remain available even if Roe is overturned. The link suggests support is present in its legislature to make this happen.

The abortion political world is filled with theories about what the future will bring. Those non profits and branches of Christianity such as Catholicism opposed to abortion promise the future is bright. This is necessary to keep money rolling in and for those so employed to keep their jobs. A version of that strategy was used by Trump. He said he would run again in 2024 and money rolled in. He isn't saying much since the attack on Congress. My guess is he, like the anti abortion groups, will come up with a promise of some future victory to keep the gullible sending him their money.  

New Mexico is one of the states listed by anti abortion that will instantly ban abortions if Roe is overturned. To me it looks like that is a stretch. 

I read a site that speculated on how many states would outlaw abortion is Roe is overturned. It is not easy to figure this out precisely. As I looked over the list there were states predicted to outlaw abortion which are trending Democratic. This, of course, does not mean they will be liberal on abortion rights but it presents uncertainty about the issue. My take is that between 12 and 15 states will be outlaw abortion if Roe is overturned.

This, of course, does not mean the end of the argument. States which might now allow abortion could turn anti and visa versa. 

What is certain, however, is that every state which would outlaw abortion would have at least one bordering state, may two or three, which allowed it. This would set up a dynamic not present at this moment. No one can predict the political impact of abortion clinics lining the borders of conservative states. If free transportation was available to any woman in a no-abortion state and revenue was seen flowing out of the state at least some voters would ask, "What's the point?" 

Arizona is another state listed as no abortion after Roe. It just voted for Biden. Californians are streaming into Arizona and New Mexico. 

A guarantee of future politics is not available. 


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