Intelligent Design Crazies Missed Their Chance

When the Coronavirus came along everyone asked, "Where did it come from?" President Trump said it was invented by the Chinese and they sent it here. If you are trying to debunk Darwin, that is the right answer. The wrong answer, if you are trying to debunk Darwin, is that it evolved in animals and was transferred to humans. The anti Darwinists, already a little dim in the brain, did not see the opportunity. When President Trump and others latched onto the odd theory the Chinese had invented the virus intelligent design people should have jumped on that. They should have been delighted to learn the virus was not a mutation or evolution-based virus. It had, they could have said, no history just as all the rest of the universe until God created it. Of course, to make this work intelligent design people would have had to block all research into the origin of the virus. The only intelligent design comment I saw was the virus proves that evolution only destroys and never creates. ...