"Reproductive Justice" is Coming Our Way

Instead of the old narrative that abortion is about a "life," a new narrative is gaining momentum. It comes with the rise of women in high positions. It is called Reproductive Justice. A counter argument was also published illustrating the unsolvable and unresolvable dilemma of the pro life movement. It is denying that the life of the fetus is more important than the health and life of the mother. Anti abortion claims it is concerned with the mother but then goes to state unequivocally the mother must yield to religion's rules about a part of her body.

Which argument ultimately will win, the one based on on-the-ground real lives women lead on one based on mythical religious beliefs? It is inevitable, the former will win in the long run.

The old narrative that abortion is all about the life of the fetus will be replaced with an increased recognition of the importance of women. They see abortion as a broader issue. It involves her current children, children she wants to have in the future and what career aspirations she holds. Abortion is about the entire direction of women's lives. If men were told they were required by law to provide 50% of the time required to raise it they would complain about how it would hurt their careers of relationships with other women. It would change hundreds of thousands of men's lives ever year. They will not stand for that. Women will not either. 

A thorny thing in abortion rights often is the man. A thing researches found often among women who sought abortions was a domineering, controlling and manipulative man. These men have no interest in a child but the child serves their interests. Their interest is making certain the woman they are controlling has no options but to stay with him. A woman with a baby, no money and no support group often feels she has to stay in an abusive relationship. 

How could the message that abortion is about the life of the woman replace the message abortion is about the life of the fetus? By using the same strategy as anti abortion strategists. Hammer the message home on TV, billboards, in talks with young people, statements by admired politicians and with preachers.

If it worked once it can work again.



  1. Jon, “Reproductive Justice" is Coming Our Way”

    First of all I appreciate you posting links citing contrasting views on your topic. It is not always possible I know but your extra effort helps clarify for me the substance of the issue at hand.

    The phrase in your post “the mother must yield to religion's rules about a part of her body” grabbed my attention for a couple of reasons. 1) The religion in this case is Catholicism. In that faith the primary source of religious rules are the men comprising the magisterium in Rome, the Pope and some bishops. They interpret scripture written by men and inspired by a triune deity, a father, a son, and a gender neutral, or maybe gender fluid, spirit. The magisterium has a reputation in some corners of “exceeding the scope” of scripture. 2) In Catholicism what are the magisterium rules governing specific parts of a man’s body? The word “seed” in reference to male semen seems to occur frequently in the Bible. Then you have God killing Onan, not for spilling his seed on the ground, but for instead not impregnating his dead brothers wife. Perhaps a women choosing abortion from the viewpoint of the all male magisterium has subliminally something to do with wasted man seed. I guess male masturbation though has tacit approval. Not much chance of “Reproductive Justice” for women in that sanctimonious old boys club.

  2. Ardy B Thanks for 9:44. You summarized well the middle ages aspect of the Catholic branch. It remains a "sanctimonious old boys club."


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