Expect a Lot of Religion From Biden/Harris


Camala Harris ended her Biden team press conference with the old saw, "May God bless you and may God Bless America." That sentence is not old and traditional. It was first said by Richard Nixon and thought to be political gold ever since. 

Harris apparently is a member of some kind of Baptist church. This gives her a lot of wide berth of what to believe and claim to believe in Christianity. She said she is in favor of abortion rights using the code language of "women's rights." 

If Biden/Harris win, my expectation is we will hear a lot of religion. A hint of what is to come is Biden's choice of "Soul of America" as a theme phrase. Use of the word "soul" strikes me as way to inject the language of religion into his campaign.

In Biden's past comments on religion there is what sounds to me like a pattern of the social gospel. He has said his religion taught him concern for the poor and working people.

If there were a way to vote nationally for one of two versions of Christianity, the social gospel versus conservative Protestantism/Catholicism, I think the social gospel would win by a large margin. Versions of the faith that are knee deep in judgmentalism and sin are those of the past more than the future. 

With the Pope coming from the social gospel branch one would expect a lot of visits with Biden. A Pope's spoken or unspoken endorsement of Biden would unleash criticism about Biden's support of abortion rights. But it would cement the view a Catholic can be in good standing without opposing all abortion. It seems to me the Pope has been projecting a message there are a variety of acceptable ways to be a Catholic. 

While we all know the election is not over, so far it has reflected societal change and religion following society where ever it goes. 


  1. you have a problem here old chap. either way you get a dose of religion, putting your version of separation to the test. but not to worry. both Joe and Kamala think that abortion up to birth is a great thing. besides neither of them are sincere: seems to me that they are using religious language to gull the great unwashed masses.

  2. Unknown "besides neither of them are sincere: seems to me they are using religious language to gull the great unwashed masses."

    So you know who is sincere and who is not. I have my doubts any of us know that about any others.

    I agree with you Democrats are using religious language and lots of it. Good for them. Maybe it will become so worn out Republicans will stop using it. Women will be, or are, using it to bolster women's rights to abortion, the Priesthood and anything else in their path. Maybe religion will suffer from "The Tragedy of the Commons".

  3. I'm quite sure about their sincerity(or lack thereof). I've been around and I think that I know BS when I see it and hear it. More to the point, the policies that they will quite likely pursue are inimical to Christian interests and beliefs. I know that you will love them. what's a little BS among friends.

  4. Unknown --"..inimical to Christian interests and beliefs."

    Pursuing policies that favor no religion is constitution. Favoring Christian interests and beliefs is not.

    1. what about discrimination re Christians in the health care industry? what about overt discrimination re Christian schools and colleges? what about de facto religious tests for public office? remember Harris and the Knights of Columbus flap?

    2. Unknown--"what about discrimination re Christians in the health care industry?"
      Christians are not discriminated against, they are the ones withholding services to those they disprove of. And Christian schools and colleges? They, too want to discriminate. Harris ask the Supreme Ct. nominee if he could be impartial. What B.S. you post.

    3. your message here seems to go something like this: either knuckle under to the zeitgeist du jour or hit the road. no regard for the consciences of people in health care, education, political life, whatever. do I detect a whiff of totalitarianism here (or maybe you have covid and, as a result, have lost your sense of smell). as to Harris's "impartially". I take that to mean my way or the highway.

    4. Unknown--I'm delighted to see you are agreeing with me it is Christians who are doing the discriminating. They are the ones withholding services because for reasons of religion.

  5. P.S. But, who will be the President in 2021? I just read one candidate, say Biden, could win the popular vote by 60 million (Hillary won by 30 million) and still lose the Electoral College and the election. Ouch.


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