Where Do Religions go When They Die

I did not know the religion of Zoroastrianism was still alive. It is but not for long. The list of religions that once dominated parts of the world, ruled empires and were thought to have bright futures is long. They include the Egyptian beliefs, Norse, Roman pantheon and many others. What happened during their final years? What did the last living believer in each think before he/she died? They all just died and tip toed away quietly. 

Zoroastrianism has many good things going for it. It has two gods, one good and the other evil. They are evenly matched so the triumph of good over evil is not preordained. This is a better explanation of good and bad behavior than Christianity. 

While Zoroastrianism has existed for over 2,500 years, it has never learned the basic technique of survival. That is to mirror the culture around it. The small number of remaining believers are just as fanatical as some Christians, Jews and Muslims we know.

These fanatic beliefs include that only a child born of two Zoroastrians can become one. Children of mixed religious heritage are out of luck. Converts without a blood line need not apply. Zoroastrians do not proselytize. "We believe in quality, not quantity" a believer said. Believers in the faith get angry at proposals to change. Within Christianity the Shakers did not have sex or children and died out. They anticipated converts but were unsuccessful.

In a world of capitalist thought, dying religions make sense. Believers pay for the preacher. If he is not saying what they like why should they pay him. There is no reason to spend their lives building a belief system for future generations. If they are going to be dead when their religion dies why should they care?

We see parts of Christianity that refuse to bend to accommodate changing times. When those who follow these dead end beliefs die their revenue to their church will die with them. 

It would be good to know who that person it that will turn out the lights. Like with other religions probably no one will know.


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