Yes, This Election is a Referendum on Abortion Rights


I've said it here before, but now a Christian site has confirmed that the public will choose between abortion rights and none. The Biden/Harris ticket is called "the most pro abortion ticket in history."

I admit that is at least a little misleading. President Reagan was there eight years as was W. Bush. H.W. Bush was there four years as has been Trump. That is 16 years of Presidents who claimed to be against abortion but abortion is still legal. Perhaps those years should be included as abortion rights years as were the sixteen years each of Clinton and Obama. 

For all of those 32 years, those who make money off of anti abortion politics and those who get votes from it have claimed, "Keep sending money. We are just on the cusp of outlawing abortion."  In spite of the evidence abortion rights are here to stay, gullible people still spend their money and their votes on an unreachable goal.

There is an unspoken message this time, it seems to me. It is that democrats are more pro choice than they have ever been and if elected it will signal support across the country for abortion rights. It is a risky strategy by anti abortion political operatives but they foolishly think it is worth the risk. Perhaps they have in mind the dishonest portrayal of facts the anti abortion community is known for. This is to spin the election results, if they lose, into some kind of anti abortion victory.

Hillary Clinton pledged abortion rights in her campaign and she lost. She lost the electoral college but won the popular vote. To me this was an indication abortion right were and remain on the ascendancy. 

I think anti abortion people misread Roe from day one. They read it as a problem with "liberal" judges. Their real problem is something else. 

Anti abortion forces have never thought through the implication of a complete ban on abortions. The problem is that outlawing abortions is something that will never work. It did not work before Roe, it does not work in countries that now outlaw abortions and it will not work in the future.


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