We Have Already Tried and Rejected Church in Charge of State

If we have wondered what the U.S. would be like if the Christian religion took over its government we need merely look at Massachusetts in the 1600's. It was as bad as we who against church/state entanglement think it will be. During the 16-1700's a branch of Baptists was the state church in Massachusetts. The now famous Roger Williams, later the founder of Rhode Island, was born in England and came to Massachusetts filled with enthusiasm about religious freedom. What he found appalled him. Government and Baptists had a lock hold on life everywhere in the state. Nonbelievers were hanged. Others were banished from the state. People's religious views were monitored by state officials. Williams began to gather people secretly in his home. Others were quietly angry. Williams was lucky to escape to Rhode Island alive. That state remains today the most secular state in the U.S. The link points out there was a lot of resistance to religious freedom. There were people fighting it ...