Subversive Catholics: Nuns on the Bus

 Annually for about the last six years the Nuns on the Bus Tour has gone across the U.S. speaking and gathering people to talk about points of view conservatives hate. They talk of opportunities for women and the issue of unequal wealth in our country. They do not advise specifically who to vote for, but it seems clear it is not Trump. 

This year's theme is making things better for everyone. The nuns are talking up better health care for women and a more equal distribution of income. Interpreting this could only mean abortion rights and higher taxes on the rich.

While there are male clergy, especially Jesuits, advocating the same ideas, the Nuns on the Bus seem to fearlessly advocate in a unique way. It makes one wonder if the Catholic denomination would be different if women had held clergy positions for the past 50 years. I don't see how female clergy could ignore the well-being of women in the abortion battle the way men have ignored them. 

There are women meeting with the Pope and sitting on international committees sponsored by the Vatican. This is the inside game. None on the Bus are an outside game involving Catholics in the pews. 

All the denominations that exclude women as clergy, Southern Baptist, Missouri Synod Lutherans and Catholics all strain to explain why women must be excluded. I've heard various excuses, Jesus' circle were men, Adam's rib made women after men, etc. All of these imply women are not the intellectual equals to men. The rest of the Western World has moved on. These backwards denomination need to catch up.


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