Religious Right Conference: Harassing, Intimidating Voters is our Right
Right wing religious zealots met at a conference, the first since they learned national Republicans have abandoned them on a national abortion ban. They are split between voting for "the lesser of two evils" of not voting or voting for some third party. The establishment, those who make their living in right wing Christianity, advised the lesser of two evils, Republican Trump. Those who make their living in anti-abortion politics see no cash cow in smaller third parties.
The establishment talks were chilling in their celebration of on-going court cases. They want to continue to stop any recognition or help of trans people. Very alarming is their desire to legally discriminate and treat various groups as lessor and unworthy people. Shortening the voting periods, harassing voters and women going to their private medical appointments is something they enjoy and want to continue.
The summary of Trump-is-God's-President is, "Yes, he has despicable moral values. He is not one of us. But, without the Republican Party's money and his money we have no money. Let's stick with where the cash is and not get too picky on these moral and religious ideas about abortion and gay marriage. Better not to say too much about him but repeat, 'She is worse.'"
The link discusses various speakers who see a great effort to take over government and run it as a religious enterprise. People going to the polls not bothered or harassed by those holding Bibles is not the country that serves their interests.
Pushing back against the religious right is the most noble of causes.
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