The Under Reported Role of Black Women Advocating Abortion Rights

Forced Birth schemers have been somewhat successful in painting advocacy of abortion rights as a white women thing trying to prevent black women from having children. This simply is not true. Black women have been leaders in the demand for abortion rights. The accusation against abortion provider comes from an activist decades ago, Marget Sanger, who advocated abortion rights so poor black women would not be set back by unplanned babies. 

Forced Birth operatives jumped on this interpreting it to be for limiting the number of black people. I don't know about the views of the woman who promoted abortion rights but black women know they need options to unplanned pregnancies the same as white women. As the link points out, several black women have taken strong leadership positions in favor of abortion rights for both black and white women. Forced Birth gas bags are the last people we should trust in the effort for abortion rights.

I had a lively exchange about abortion this past weekend when we were back in our home city where we lived for 45 years. While living there, we had met with a wonderful coffee group for decades. Those still alive still meet and we enjoyed our visit. There developed an understanding in the group not to raise political issues, especially abortion, because there were disagreements we needed to avoid. A young man relatively new to the group, a Trump supporter, brought up his political theory that polls understate the support for Trump because many people will vote for him but do not want to admit it. I should have kept quiet but had to take the bait. I replied that no, polls understate support for Harris. This is because many women tell the husbands and friends they are voting for Trump but will secretly vote for Harris because they are privately worried about an unplanned pregnancy and want options. There was an uncomfortable pause and the conversation moved to something else.

Black women who lead the efforts for abortion rights put to rest at least one absurd political theory.   


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