Abortion Numbers Continue to Rise
While data is not perfect, that which is available says the numbers of abortions has not fallen and probably is rising. This, as we have discussed here often, is the history of trying to stop or slow the numbers of abortions. Stopping abortions has never worked. For the most part, the number of abortions in the states that have laws prohibiting remains about the same. Passing these laws is laughable.
What Forced Birth operatives did not expect was a.) the resolve of women who wanted abortions and b.) the money available from the abortion rights community.
The resolve is shown when women find a way to leave work for a day or two to travel long distances for out-of-state abortions. The link shows the large numbers who continue to do this. In nearly all cases, it is a rational decision. If is costs a woman a thousand or two to get an abortion but she knows it will cost $2 K to raise a child, decision made.
The amount of money available to subsidize abortion is huge, even though more is needed. Women wanting abortions often have some or all of their travel paid from donations and some parts of the medical expense. We have seen the billionaire class open its pockets and publicly let the size of their donations be known. I suspect Forced Birth never expected this.
I've not looked up the number and results of cases that came out of Texas and Mississippi that allowed citizens to arrest any person assisting another to get an abortion. I know there were some cases but the number of abortions in those two states remains about the same as it was before the laws were passed.
The political effect of strong abortion numbers has already had some showing. Republican politicians have backed off their resolve to eliminate all abortions. In time, I'm certain, the known fact that those unable to get abortions are mostly low income and people of color will cause the draconian laws to be dropped.
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