Time is Running out for Catholics on Abortion/Women in Clergy

Pope Francis keeps being asked if the Catholic door is open even a tiny bit on women in the clergy or abortion rights. He keeps answering that the door is not open, even a tiny bit. That the questions keep being asked is, to me, a signal the door is not shut forever. The old line he used that women are "so important" in the denomination will not hold up forever. It has the same impact as "We're praying for women." The impact is none.

The German Catholic Church is a model for denominational change. There are several stories of priest performing gay marriages. Demands are made that Rome "punish" the German Catholic Church, The German Catholic Church has lots of money, Rome needs them more than it needs Rome. There is teeth grinding and scolding but Germany does not budge.

What if Germany, or some other country with plenty of money, starts ordaining women priests. Would not the same thing happen, Rome saying this is not acceptable but unable to do anything else? I could see a future Pope maintaining silence on female priests.

When abortion has been approved by several countries as well as most states in the U. S. it will be useless, even counter-productive, for the Pope or dunce-hat Bishops to say anything about it. The ticking clock is relentless.

What backs down the Forced Birth gang is stories about injustice to women. These stories are having an effect now and I don't see an end in site. Dead women have a lot to say about Forced Birth politics. 


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