How Much Has Atheism Gained on Religion

It is astounding, boarding on the unbelievable, how much and how fast atheism has grown and how much believe in religion has fallen. In England, atheism now exceeds Christianity. More people do not believe there is a god than believe there is one. No one can explain completely why this has happened. There is little doubt it has happened. 

There is always speculation on whether this trend in England/Europe will arrive in the U.S. Certainly, it is possible, likely in my view, the U.S. could arrive at the same place. At the rate things are changing it will be sooner than many expect.

What is interesting to speculate is how minds in the U.S. will change or where the majority will go? Without the "god" what will fill the minds? The longest running accommodation to religion seems to have been one with many "gods" and the gods coming and going. This would be fine, everyone who wanted a god would have one and those who do not need one would not be required to listen to prayers at public meetings. This might be good for business. People could pay for custom T shirts saying "God X is the only real one" and maybe have it painted on their cars or the sides of their houses.

To me, what we are now experiencing with abortion is what we will find with what is broadly called belief. As it has become clear the majority favor abortion rights we suddenly have politicians saying, "Well, I never really was for Forced Birth. Women's needs need to be taken into consideration." The current Supreme Court want to protect Ten Commandments displays, Christian prayers at public meetings and allowing "religious rights" of employees to rule is now the most common ruling. I predict time will take its toll. 

The day of the first announcement that atheists are the majority should be celebrated. I'd suggest a holiday but maybe that is too much. :)   


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