When Not-Too-Smart Christians Really Need Help From God

Where is God now when My Pillow founder Mike Lindell needs him the most. Mike launched to media program called "Prove Mike Wrong." He offered $5 million to anyone who could prove the 2020 election of Biden was honest. Mike, of course, had been going around like Trump claiming the election was fraudulent. Four men took up Mike's offer and proved it was not fraudulent. Mike now needs God's help coming us with both the $5 million but also money for his attorneys and the money for the other side's attorneys.

Now another group needs God's help. A Texas mega church which has taken in $150 million in donations said it would give 10% to "missions." Further, it promised that if donors were unhappy with the mission work accomplished it would refund the money to donors. Like the guys who brought down Mike Lindell, some members said they wanted audit of the mega church finances to establish the money actually was spent on missions. The church would neither provide the audit nor refund any of the $15 million it had collected for that purpose. Surely God will help that church in exchange for its condemning to hell all sinners. But no help has yet appeared.

So often I've seen signs along highways that say "Prayer Works." That should be reassuring for Mike Lindell and the Texas Mega Church. They will just have to wait a bit. 

I apologize for being a bit sarcastic, but it's healthy to truthful. An elaborate and professionally designed experiment was done a few years back on seriously ill people. One group had people praying for their recovery, the other group did not. The outcomes of the two groups were identical. 

Prayers can be offered for the crooks within Christianity. Those who are guilty will go to jail, prayers or not. 

The two crooks provide a reply to those who say often, including on the blog, Christianity offers moral guidance. Atheists have no moral guidance so therefore are morally adrift. There is no shortage of Christians who are morally adrift. Two are discussed above. If people in the faith pray for crooked Christians will they get off with lighter sentences than atheists who do not pray nor have anyone praying for them? 


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