It's Inevitable: Denominations Split, Then They Split Again

For many decades, our family were members of a Presbyterian Church. For several years, we received newsletters from a national group which complained that the denomination must "return to the Bible." As I recall, a wealthy local member provided the national groups with the addresses of all local members and paid for the newsletters to all. 

As time went on, this national group put its nose in the air and walked out of the national denomination. I think years later there another group separated. The original group that left is now in the news. While the group split over the "sin" of being gay, one of its original churches eventually hired a gay man as pastor. He claims his is celibate. Things about this church are now so complicated they are in court. It more fun than a barrel of monkeys. 

Christians who comment here on this blog have said that while different denominations have broken off from their original, all branches agree on a few fundamentals. This assumes the "fundamentals" are important to all branches. I read a statement by a Southern Baptist who said central to that denomination is males behind the pulpit. There can be no movement or compromise on this, he said. Then there are the anti abortion factions who say one cannot be a Christian unless he/she is "prolife" (Forced Birth). There are factions which speak of nothing but full emersion baptism. These are only a few. Forget about the notion all Christians have something in common. The money would dry up if these obsessions we dropped. 

Right now, there are obsessions against gay marriage and gay clergy. Denominations are splitting. If all factions "shared the fundamentals" they would not be splitting off. There is no "fundamental" except anti gay and anti gay marriage. "Don't they both believe in the Resurrection?" another believer might ask. That is a non relevant side issue and not important enough to discuss to those leaving the denomination. 

Every decade or some, lots of Christians become obsessed with something--before prohibition is was alcohol. These cause the splits and they keep on coming.


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