Bible Does not say Men are to be in Charge. Men Said it.

I'm sure it's universal in branches of Christianity which prevent women from being preachers, the Bible tells us only men shall be preachers. Catholics say it as well as a large swath of Protestants. A Professor of Religion has looked into the Bible to find a consistent theme that men are to "lead" and women to "help." The Professor found an error in interpretation and selective choices of scripture have led to this error. The Bible says men and women are to be equals. Like everything else in the Bible, it takes more than one position. According to the link, however, a mistranslation is the reason it is popularly believed men are to lead women. You can read the mistranslated term. It is only logical men were the ones who mistranslated. We need only look at much of Christianity today and see men, old white men in particular, crowding out everyone else to take leadership positions. I've read of Southern Baptist leaders who say the denomination can bend o...